[UPDATE] Asia Catalyst and Phoenix in Yunnan Vlog

From the gleaming airport malls of Beijing to the grittier markets of Yunnan, Asia Catalyst traveled in China to work with local partners on strategic planning and budgeting. On this trip, we spent a few days with Phoenix in Yunnan drafting their plans and budget for the next quarter, and providing some computer training. Phoenix members also lit candles on mid-Autumn festival to commemorate two members who recently died of HIV/AIDS.

[COMMENTARY] Sex Workers Breaking New Ground in China and Myanmar

Ye Haiyan self-portrait with poster, which reads “Legalize sex work and decriminalize prostitution! Sex work is work!”

By Meg Davis

The crisis of the HIV/AIDS pandemic is creating incentive and space for mobilization of marginalized communities, and
otherwise restrictive states such as China and Myanmar (Burma) are largely allowing it. In recent months, both Chinese and Burmese sex worker-led organizations have moved into the public eye.



[REPORT] Community-Driven Rights Research: Sex Workers in China



By Mike Frick

From June through early August, I
helped Asia Catalyst’s partner organization, Phoenix, to train five volunteers
in research and rights documentation skills. Phoenix is an NGO that serves
women living with HIV/AIDS – many of them sex workers and drug users — in
Gejiu, Yunnan Province, China. The five participating volunteers on our
research team are all former drug users, and several of them also work as sex
workers. Our goal was to build their capacity to conduct the kind of research
that can inform advocacy and make a difference in the lives of the community
Phoenix serves.


[COMMENTARY] Legalization vs. Decriminalization 分析:合法化与除罪化

The International AIDS Conference also launched the Vienna Declaration, (中文https://www.viennadeclarationchinese.com/), a statement signed by hundreds of doctors, experts and NGOs calling for decriminalization of drug use.  A number of speakers, panels and protests at the conference also
called for the decriminization of HIV transmission and commercial sex work.  A growing body of scientific evidence presented at the meeting shows that decriminalization would be consistent not only with a rights-based approach to the epidemic but also with science-based public health principles.



However, there is some confusion regarding the differences between “decriminalization” and “legalization” – so
here is a brief explanation.








