[NEWS] Asia Catalyst Report Cited by Local Chinese Health Officials

The Shenzhen Center for Disease Control and Prevention has picked up China’s Blood Disaster: The Way Forward, a report jointly prepared by Asia Catalyst and Korekata AIDS Law Center . 

While government officials maintain only 65,100 people contracted HIV through blood sales and transfusions, AIDS activists have long argued the true number is much higher. The report finds that still few of the thousands affected have been able to get compensation.

[COMMENTARY] Promoting Mental Health Among China’s Sex Workers

By Willa Dong


When the health needs of female sex workers (FSWs) are discussed, reproductive health and preventing HIV/AIDS are often the first things that are brought up. However, like any other person, a sex worker has a variety of health needs.


I became interested exploring these needs and trying to understand the extent to which  mental health is a priority for FSWs last September. Since then, I have looked at these issues in Shenzhen, China, through formal interviews with sex workers and also simply by spending time at a karaoke bar, beauty salons, and in neighborhoods, to get to know sex workers, mommies, and clients. I chose to do a smaller, qualitative study because it was important for me as a non-sex worker to understand the perspectives of sex workers, who already have a clear idea of their needs.
