[URGENT APPEAL] Tian Xi Expected Out from Prison

According to friends of Chinese AIDS activist Tian Xi, he is expected to complete his prison sentence and be released on August 18, 2011. His family income is quite low, and they have no way to meet his medical costs. Friends and family have issued a call for donations to the following account.

Account name:  TIAN Xi

Bank: Bank of China
Runan Branch 中国银行汝南支行

Account number: 254608370972


[NEWS] 120 International Groups and Experts Call for Tian Xi’s Release

This is one of the most international coalitions to ever join in calling for the release of a Chinese AIDS activist — and includes the Asia-Pacific Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS (APN+) and South Africa’s 2-million-strong labor union, COSATU, among many other notable names from Asia, Africa and the US.
