[RESOURCE] Ten Tips for Graphic Design

by Sally Hancox


This advice can be applied to any information you use to present your organization
to the public, including websites, brochures, and logos.


1) Who are you trying to reach?

This is the most important question. What does the audience already know about your
organization and the issues you address? You don’t need to tell them what they
already know; but equally, try not to make assumptions that they already know
stuff just because you do.



[RESOURCE] 10 Mistakes to Avoid in a Conference Talk

By Meg Davis

Next month, Asia Catalyst is supporting a delegation of Chinese AIDS activists to go to Vienna for the International AIDS Conference. Like (no doubt) many of you, we’ve spent a fair amount of time sitting through boring conference presentations around the world. But making a conference presentation valuable and memorable is possible. Here are ten tips we came up with:
