[NEWS] China: Reject “Real-Name” HIV Testing to Fight AIDS | 中国:抗击艾滋病 拒绝HIV检测”实名制”

By Asia Catalyst

On February 8, China’s Ministry of Health and Centers for Disease Control (CDC) both expressed support for new proposed regulations in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region that would implement real-name testing for HIV, suggesting these could become national policy. Wang Yu, Director of the Chinese CDC, said that real-name HIV testing would allow health workers to follow-up with people who test positive, helping them to access treatment and prevent transmitting HIV to sexual partners.

We are concerned that without stronger confidentiality protections and stronger laws on discrimination, a move to real-name HIV testing will drive more people underground and away from government testing and treatment programs. Please sign this petition to the Ministry of Health.


[REPORT] Indonesian Odyssey: A Drug User’s Quest for Treatment

By Ricky Gunawan


The story of Rose – the first drug user sentenced by Indonesian courts to rehabilitation instead
of prison – continued this month, with some dramatic twists and turns that
highlight obstacles to implementing Indonesia’s newly improved policy.


Rose was transferred from Pondok Bambu Detention Center to Cibubur Drug Dependence
Hospital (RSKO Cibubur),
on Monday, February 8, 2010. As
I wrote in December
, it took months after her July sentence for the
corrupt detention system to actually move her to the hospital. During that
time, Rose suffered from withdrawal symptoms without any medication. But even
once the transfer was finally completed, it seemed the drama had only begun.


[REPORT] Give Everyone the Right to Affordable Medicines

By Shiwei Ye

The high cost of medicines essential for the prevention, treatment and cure of many diseases makes them inaccessible to millions of patients who need them. The World Health Organization estimates this to include a third of the world’s population. In parts of Asia, the percentage may be even higher.

One of the key factors making medicines unaffordable is the current intellectual property right (IPR) regime and its prominent place in many free trade agreements. There is a dire need to reform the current international trade framework in order to provide correct and adequate incentives that can lead to need-based medical innovations and that can ensure that public health is prioritized over commercial interests.



[REPORT] The Story of Xiao Liu

[:en]By Lauren Burke

April 18, 2009

During the summer of 2008, I traveled around China meeting with HIV-positive children to discuss the barriers they faced in accessing treatment. Xiao Liu, a thirteen-year-old patient in a Beijing hospital, was one of the last children I met. In his hospital room with green walls, Xiao Liu handed me a notebook
