[NEWS] AIDS Activists Arrested, Shoved at ICAAP

Korean and international AIDS activists who participated in a peaceful protest against the Free Trade Agreement and for access to AIDS treatment at the International Conference on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific (ICAAP) were shoved and dragged by the police while trying to prevent the arrest of AIDS lawyer Jang Seo-yeon. Two activists, including a staff person of the ICAAP Local Organizing Committee, were hospitalized. Below is the joint statement from Korean activists and supporters about the incident.


[NEWS] Microbicide Gel: A Major Breakthrough in AIDS Fight /科学报告

Microbicide gel: A major breakthrough in AIDS fight

In one of the most attention-grabbing
sessions of the conference, the Center for the AIDS Program of Research in
South Africa reported that a clinical study of 889 women has found that a microbicide
gel used before and after sex could reduce risk of HIV infection by nearly 40
percent.  The findings are especially encouraging
as six previous microbicide trials have failed over the past fourteen years.
The self-applied gel could make it possible for women to reduce the risk of HIV







[COMMENTARY] Bill Easterly’s Burden

By Gregg Gonsalves
Yale University and the International Treatment Preparedness Coalition

Comments at
The Future of Development:
Human Rights and International Aid Beyond the Economic Crisis
Robert L. Bernstein International Human Rights Fellowship Symposium
April 8-9, 2010
Orville H. Schell, Jr. Center for International Human Rights
Yale Law School, 127 Wall Street, New Haven, CT

* * *
Good afternoon. Greetings from up on Science Hill, where I just got out of a
class on evolutionary biology. Permit me to use one analogy today–only because it seems so apt.  A new book by a fairly well-known philosopher named Jerry Fodor has just come out. It’s called What
Darwin Got Wrong
. This isn’t some creationist tract. Dr. Fodor apparently believes in evolution, but he thinks Darwin erred by claiming natural selection is responsible for it.  The book hasn’t been well-received among scientists–not because we have a vested interest in this 150-year-old theory, but because the evidence supports natural selection and Dr. Fodor’s description of it only remotely resembles the phenomenon.


[COMMENTARY] A Patent Pool: What Are the Risks?

Today and tomorrow, December 14-15, the executive board of UNITAID will vote on whether to move forward with plans for a patent pool. A patent pool is a consortium of companies that share a license to a particular product or technology. In this case, manufacturers of AIDS drugs would give a limited number of generic manufacturers the right to produce those drugs. Competition between the generic manufacturers would then drive down the price of drugs in countries where many people currently cannot afford AIDS drugs.

Controversy has roiled over the patent pool idea since some have suggested that middle-income countries should be excluded. A lot of those countries are in Asia; see this letter from APN+, the network of people living with HIV in Asia, which clearly lays out the issues.
