[NEWS] UNAIDS Reference Group on HIV and Human Rights Statement on Crisis of HIV Funding

Geneva, 30 January 2012 – The November 2011 announcement of the cancellation of the 11th round of funding of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria because of the Fund’s financial difficulties presents the international community with both a health and a human rights crisis.  Since its first round of funding in 2002, the Global Fund has played an indispensable role in advancing the health and human rights goals of the global HIV response.

The Global Fund’s financial difficulties are part of a broader global HIV funding crisis. This funding crisis is the most important human rights issue in the HIV response at this time. Paradoxically, funding is being flat-lined or reduced just as science, medicine and programmes are providing the tools for success against HIV.


[UPDATE] Back from the Asia-Pacific Regional Consultation on Universal Access

By Meg Davis

Asian NGOs and government representatives met in Bangkok from March 29-31 at the Asia-Pacific Regional
Consultation on Universal Access. They consulted together to make recommendations on how to ensure universal access to AIDS treatment – one of the Millennium Development Goals.  This time, human rights was included, and it was fascinating to see the process and participate in it.


[NEWS] China’s Report to the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: Right to Health / 中国给联合国经济社会文化权委员会的报告: 健康权

Below is the section of
China’s report to the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights on
how it protects the right of all citizens to the highest available standard of
health. 下面是中国给联合国的经济社会文化权的关于保护公民健康权的报告。


NGOs can submit their
own reports as well. For information on the requirements and process to submit
an NGO report, see https://www2.ohchr.org/english/bodies/cescr/NGOs.htm



[RESOURCE] UN Human Rights Office – Civil Society Handbook / 参与联合国人权事务手册

Working with the United
Nations Human Rights Programme: A Handbook for Civil Society is addressed to
the civil society actors who, every day in every part of the world, contribute to the
promotion, protection and advancement of human rights. This comprehensively
updated and revised second edition puts United Nations human rights bodies and
mechanisms at its center. Speaking to all civil society actors, including but
not only non-governmental organizations (NGOs), the Handbook explains how civil
society can engage with various United Nations human rights bodies and
mechanisms. It is the hope of the Office of the United Nations High
Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) that this Handbook will enable more
people to enjoy and make claim to their human rights through these bodies and mechanisms.

Download the English
handbook: https://www.ohchr.org/EN/AboutUs/CivilSociety/Documents/Handbook_en.pdf

