The International AIDS Conference also launched the Vienna Declaration, (中文, a statement signed by hundreds of doctors, experts and NGOs calling for decriminalization of drug use.  A number of speakers, panels and protests at the conference also
called for the decriminization of HIV transmission and commercial sex work.  A growing body of scientific evidence presented at the meeting shows that decriminalization would be consistent not only with a rights-based approach to the epidemic but also with science-based public health principles.



However, there is some confusion regarding the differences between “decriminalization” and “legalization” – so
here is a brief explanation.









Decriminalization refers to the repeal or removal of
existing laws which criminalize certain activities.  In the context of sex work, decriminalization
could entail repealing laws which criminalize being present in a sex work
venue, taking another person to a sex work venue, or communicating with another
person for the purpose of engaging in sex work.
Decriminalization of sex work, for example, would bestow upon sex
workers the same rights and responsibilities as any other self-employed worker
and would provide for the same types of legal protections as well.


In contrast, legalization is a proactive legislative step, where the activities
that were previously illegal are not only decriminalized but also regulated by
government.  In countries where sex work
is legalized, regulations include the imposition of special taxes, designations
of specific work zones, or the requirement of special work permits.  Regulations may also include specific registration
and physical examination requirements.


Many AIDS experts and organizations
are calling for decriminalization and not legalization, as decriminalization creates
less opportunity for governmental corruption or police abuse.







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