by Li Man



China’s population is aging, and the pressures of dealing
with an aging population are becoming apparent. Today, according to a new
report from the Work Committee on the Elderly, 134 million Chinese were over
the age of 60, representing around 11% of the population. The report finds that
of those between the ages of 66 and 71, 90% of men continued to have an
interest in sex, versus 50% of women. In the range of 86-90 year olds, 51% of
men had an interest in sex.


The development of science has shown that sex is a
lifelong emotional and physical need for older men. Not only is this not
harmful, but a healthy sex life can contribute to prolonging the life. The
report finds that a majority of men over the age of sixty continued to be able
to engage in sexual activity. A healthy and satisfying sex life can prolong
longevity, ease the mind, create emotional stability, eliminate loneliness, and
increase confidence in other areas of life.


Even more importantly, though, the wives of these older
men may sometimes no longer be able to engage in sexual activity, and some have
passed away before their husbands. In situations in which these older men can
not meet their sexual needs, they may seek other means, such as visiting sex
workers. Because of traditional views still entrenched in Chinese society, most
people view older people having sex as indecent, and fear that they will
influence the family reputation. This leads older men to feel embarrassment
about their sexual needs, and it leaves them with no choice except to seek out
the most underground sex workers.


In one case, an 82-year-old man who had been unable to have
an erection for a long time became seriously depressed, which in turn triggered
a series of illnesses. One of our sisters, used her sexual skills, succeeded in
stimulating this elder man, and afterwards his illnesses were cured. This older
man was extremely grateful to the sister and maintained contact with her for a
long time.


Based on Phoenix’s five years of experience, we have
learned that these underground sex workers have many different identities: they
are sex workers, also drug users, HIV-positive, lesbians, and single mothers…in
order to survive, and get medical treatment, and pay for the educational costs
of their children, many have no other option except to engage in sex work. And
in the process of doing this work, the initiative to use or not use a condom is
manipulated into the hands of the customer. Older clients are often especially
unwilling to use condoms, because they feel that because of their advanced age,
if they contract HIV it’s not such a big deal.


What is more, the sex workers they turn to are often
women who have very limited education, and no ability to earn a living through
other means. If we add to this the heavy pressure of social stigma and the
weight of the pressure to earn a living, some of these sisters even have ideas
about retribution against society. The risk to these older clients of
contracting STD or AIDS is extremely high, but despite the risk, for all these reasons,
both sides continue in this sexual relationship.


In another case, a 58-year-old man whose wife passed away
visited sex workers for many years, and had sexual relations with at least ten
women without using condoms. As a result of our intervention program with
long-term customers, he tested for HIV and tested positive. However, he did not
stop engaging in prostitution, and frequently harmed sex workers.


Many people believe that HIV-positive women should not continue
to engage in sex work because they could transmit the virus to others. But
these people do not consider that they have no other choice; and that sex
workers continue to risk other harm while doing this work, including infection
with other diseases.


In one case we know of, a 78-year-old man and an
HIV-positive sister had sexual relations for 7 years. Because there was a firm
emotional foundation, she told him that she was HIV-positive and recommended
that he be tested. The older man tested negative for HIV, and so they continued
to have sexual relations using condoms.


We at Phoenix believe that intervention with these older
clients is urgent. Past experience tells us that this approach is effective and
that older customers are willing to accept it.



Li Man is the founder and executive director of Phoenix (苦草工作室), an
organization of sex workers in Gejiu City, Yunnan Province, China. The blog was translated by Meg Davis of Asia Catalyst.


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