
Asia Catalyst (New York), Korekata AIDS Law Center (Beijing), and Thai AIDS Treatment Action
Group (Bangkok) are cooperating on writing the manual Know It, Prove It,
Change It: A Rights Curriculum for Grassroots Groups.
The Human Rights
Mission Kit,
which you can download here, is a
collection of easy-to-follow steps, worksheets and templates groups can use at
home to start their own human rights research.

This three-volume manual is targeted specifically at grassroots organizations
working at the intersection of human rights and HIV/AIDS, including groups run
by and for people living with HIV/AIDS, ethnic minorities, sex workers and drug
users. The three modules are Know It: The Rights Framework (to learn how
to conduct goal-oriented human rights analyses and international human rights
law), Prove It: Basics of Rights Documentation (to learn about how to
plan and conduct human rights documentation), and Change It: Ending
Rights Abuses
(to learn about how to structure and execute a successful
advocacy campaign). Each module includes both the core curriculum, so
that activists can train themselves, and a teacher’s supplement for use in
group workshops. All materials will be published in English, Thai and Chinese.

The project is being developed collaboratively by Asia Catalyst, Thai AIDS
Treatment Action Group and Korekata AIDS Law Center. The curriculum is designed
through an intensely consultative process in which Chinese and Thai grassroots
AIDS, harm reduction and ethnic minority organizations offer input into and
guide the development of the final product to meet their needs.

To download the Human Rights Mission Kit, click here.


And if you’re at the International AIDS Conference, please come to our workshop, “Basics in
Human Rights Documentation”, on Tuesday July 20, 2:30-6 pm in Mini Room 1, or
stop by our booth #649 in the Global Village.

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