Echoing a speech he made in Toronto in
June, Michel Kazatchkine, executive director of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS,
Tuberculosis and Malaria, again called
for the closure of compulsory detention centers
, where drug users are
detained for months or years without trial or due process, under the guise of
drug treatment.




The detentions usually take place without
a clinical assessment. The drug users are often denied access to
evidence-based drug treatment and other basic health services. In some
countries, they are forced to perform gruelling labor for no pay. Drug
users in these facilities may be tested for HIV without their knowledge or
consent. Torture and inhuman or degrading treatment have also been documented.


In his speech in Toronto, Kazatchkine said, “All compulsory drug detention centres
should be closed and replaced by drug treatment facilities that work and that
conform to ethical standards and human rights norms. At the same time, as long
as such centres exist, I strongly believe that detainees should at least be
provided with access to effective HIV prevention and treatment, provided in an
ethical manner and respectful of their rights and dignity.”


Sessions at the conference specifically discussed abuses in forced detoxification centers in China,
Thailand and Vietnam. NGOs in those countries could continue to push the Global
Fund to work with them in addressing the concerns of drug users about these







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